Peysa og buxur / GOTS vottað / lífræn bómull / mjúk barnaföt / barnaföt / sett / jogging galli | LaríLei - Larí Lei | sniðug gjöf / afmælisgjöf / jólagjöf
Peysa og buxur / GOTS vottað / lífræn bómull / mjúk barnaföt / barnaföt / sett / jogging galli | LaríLei - Larí Lei | sniðug gjöf / afmælisgjöf / jólagjöf
Peysa og buxur / GOTS vottað / lífræn bómull / mjúk barnaföt / barnaföt / sett / jogging galli | LaríLei - Larí Lei | sniðug gjöf / afmælisgjöf / jólagjöf
Peysa og buxur / GOTS vottað / lífræn bómull / mjúk barnaföt / barnaföt / sett / jogging galli | LaríLei - Larí Lei | sniðug gjöf / afmælisgjöf / jólagjöf

Cosmo & Crumpet Set - Diamonds Sweatshirt & Jogger Set

Regular price10.990 kr
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

This unisex diamond print matching baby and kids set includes:

  • 1 x Cosmo sweatshirt
  • 1 x Crumpet jogging bottoms

Keep your little one cosy and stylish during the cooler months with our organic cotton baby and toddler sweatshirt and joggers set. Crafted from 100% certified organic cotton, this soft and breathable outfit is perfect for delicate skin, internally brushed for an extra warm soft and fleecy feel. The Sweatshirt includes press studs on baby sizes and the joggers have an elasticated waistband to makes dressing easy.

Care Instructions:

  • All bonnie mob garments are machine washable at 30 degrees, unless otherwise stated on the garment label
  • We recommend that you do NOT tumble-dry bonnie mob products. The heat from tumble-drying can cause fading, shrinkage, and may reduce the lifespan of the garment's quality. Any products that can be tumble-dried will indicate so on their care label
  • Shipping available

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